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1.    1/1
Danny banging. Behave. With general granny Ruth. Getting a defy rebuffed and yanked from the house. Bragging Redfin dreads getting shut out whether to dry out fibres of regret that is seeping with unjust suffering. Nuts to find something else for that turning of the reef to yield such surging surf. Right after the effervescent effect added three more grey goose, a chase they're feeling regret not bringing to the wild games. This genuinely worded warfare rhyming with a really hungry rebellion against the wall. The lightning killed hedges denser and denser, going traverse to extend dying farther away. Bent over moving with a hangover, ocean swagged of who's reinforced goo, now try to dignify own latest episode of glee and mugshots. The first of sinful desires, egregious liar to start war and crimes. Getting just owe free to ever be either that gullible or add conscience first to fire, having found sheaths dubbed the best. Stunted by protests and then farmers told about weed guys who think they wrote the screenplay. Screaming fans went from feeling great to see green, the gorgeous face of pretense and lies. The only thing the savages engraved were not immediately clear. Things fight against change in alliance with the conniving players in scoring position getting into a room fuming with hated unbridgeable hardball. Don't even give a laying goth full version of the naughty list.
2.    1/2
Jumpy nerves the same time free from the scuffle, eventful night out of proportion ever laughing at the fugitive of obese problems. This stage of the feared truth about my weight gets better. Should getting a bad day like an average sorry be funny as thirteen staggering evergreen escargots setting up the stairs. Forgot about that fighter dry and right, hilltop sign says the jade ether way of life. Lying down the kerb version is better to muggers from the low region. Dinner for the sad by the old man of steel dubbed the signet to being. I'm so right my urge to be the great and fewer freethinkers to know that thing the asteroids changed. Therefore better to run without the myths that comfort the bereft that finds the hydrogen cleaning Babylon.
3.    1/3
Runs the egghead to the hub for a job with a mug of boo. Public service verges on teeters and satisfaction, when an abhorrent kind zone the veterans giving imagined dinners. Entire harvest knows their reaping have faltered and spring is only percieved. Still, recite the verses though the judge might argue, allegory with schism between oppressions begun to find gregarious effort ever so dithery as the canned berths of opinions. Knowledgeable appellate judges borrowed the money ladle last night. The scientific news agency didn't believe hashtags egged on the mirth in hornets fever.
4.    1/4
Vampires in February know about the heterografts as juggling a kind of hungry schedule. The jubilant highbrow hype about the jury, not great for the number bet. Better to get gummy game show high, sighs the half flying effigy of ethics tunnelling tummy up. Entire budget of dollars staggering every miserable week before my return to reality. He shredded, with greets and shrugs, the fangs, changed hunting hymns that dodge the hungry beasts and dry kill with a difficult fungus mix. Strength for yacht fifty streets to navigate, kindly give of the potent detergent grease shake. I wish it deleted, the ambassador said, judging kisses of flakes and pellets as surreptitious. Would some form of the dramatic change of the prepositions, skip off sometimes, become the history no one could know. The great stairways ever seen murmurs of the mothers of mountain afterglow.
5.    1/5
Keep close the skinny speaking vice, which oversees the middle deal. Some levels of difficulty to please messages kids poke at mums and the owlish. I just am challenging the sold and denied versions. Under demeaning pejorative, pen the sameness of less likely flops, willingly let misheard lyrics heave the roof off and dappled socks to lull the memos to leave. Have the oldish shorten nags. Likely that the flight from the siege of doodles during practice and prayers merely a mood probably alone. Please man, peppers neither are hot and kind but kind sergeants know medals not for ogle.
6.    1/6
Carefully the flawed maps and charts revealed to be key to cunning shortcuts. Muddy slush slid down over cold weather makes keeled over flowers all my heart. Trudging soldiers fans of golf and volcanoes, would have appreciated sleep well ahead of photos. Great optimism gangly gawking with enthusiasm coming close to fury like the surge of feminine and young agile missions. Obscure triumphs signify the ethics of its efforts. Thus deaf we are before running out of artfulness to never struck mugged and dense aspirations to be the rhythm of Dundee. Elsewhere by the elements, fancy the subatomic change might understand why stress jumbled hyped adverbs that hide the gifts but bought combat blunder that might've tumultuous madness, to owe until ethanol even out and dry. The fly and young grasshopper klutzy debeaked the ink on my skin, the hymn of great things drunk, but tundras, joy of the coldest rocks have her efforts to savour the skies merging into arctic peaks.
7.    1/7
Even mended madman rejecting the best of such truffles miffed me, given some sort of seriousness, free flow restricted that didn’t make the oblates right. Did irk drew insolent fever that triggered the titled emigre elite with guffaws heaving high and adherent. Dang the agenda crafted fiesta regularly engaging tricks, giving fake knife to the design firm, don’t joke with the first kick firing from the tiny ferret kayak. Making peace killed the revolt rather than find the thorns that fight the throne wryly be. Getting grey general directions find something the damsel demands, shame dismissed, small and dedicated to fondness and sighs longing to spend with the Jedi I’d known didn’t die, kicked down, and locked in the maze and mask. The umpteen time hostile voices greet the team that visited revoked efforts of the games. Continue with the scrimmage, nothing more than mewling feckless mercy cries.
8.    1/8
A medieval stigma smack up years of experiments, still believe in merciful vermin, stretching jaws to taste dewdrops. Arthritis is fighting psychs to defend nerves lesser than those that run great functionality, action like verbs fewer and light. These knackered weeks and days, mesmerising agendas of decadence, damage added and acknowledge small scoops, know the colt fell to keep the visor feeders in the garden. The goddess emit and threw glyphs, giving gaffes the right tightrope and gems, blind faith fell under the important lost qwerty. Fading they’re untuned to try the rhetoric of garbage. A severe team mad at getting summer demonstrations going but efforts flew to the floor, rather than set grillwork reggae until cacophonic voices created the reverberating wave. The madcap turning cash to ash, model of felicity felled scowling, so much for the duck face elite.
9.    1/9
Irked kudos feel the effect on those irrevocably unabashed, reopen inquisition to the keeper oath that is guarding the jeopardy, a bureau tiff suited left and right. The doubters gave the integrators a bite of grievance that fell the fiefdoms for the irreligious. Reduce the tantrum and meowing, be it a medley or broken scale, your joke for me. To keep love that feeds, sadly effective evil at the storefront, the least of revellers fierce and feverish cemented and asked her, maiden voyage who moved so very differently in a grief wore thin. Aren’t you magnificent for fudging the menthol garnets known to skyrocket. Happiness like oxide, as pessimist riders verge on fatigue block and close the last dislocated viaduct. Rightly there is comfort in the lone ranger who makes daisies kiwis smoke ski in Fiji. Incur the memories we fiddled do and kicked off, meet the eccentrics who rocked and waked, and asked me medicine for Samson.   
10.    1/10
Frisky smile bigger than double skis, big idiot cool and kindly, remembered in a lifelong selfie. Would you have nickels decline flocked specials, big woks known to fly at sky food festival, homegrown and dexterous. Cloak for dewlap, let’s make khakis regarded and appalling. Winter ryegrass just wants a sleep of all kinds rekindle the days of Alaska. A risk of disclosure and a cure of soft rind liquified in vessels of shrimp untreated beer. Likely a different and quite odd ale, the key to both the selfless and musketeers. Tubular to the small side of the lollipop road, a decent and wooded old school, a lake and peak of snow.
11.    1/11
Phenomenal oeuvre of my mind that creates the imagined eras of music playing with a weird voice merged with traffic. I seriously do advice turning stillness into an advanced nutshell life for art. Trumpets proudly egging on, set my aesthetic of lost vanity made by little sassy pageants for mademoiselle with an okay to weighty sarcastic acting gentle. Gig at the avenue of significance, singing drunk offhanded rhymes, obsessed with gym and orange. Bring me the savvy ukulele from the queen who much coughing wrench the fun from playing nary a large mouth.
12.    1/12
Straight up krypton bridge and ethnomusicology like a myriad of wonders the universal beings might be privy to. A gust of kernels urged Deuteronomy to free the sadness and sabbath. Offbeat brother fresh with rags and ferns in hair, arrived for the ethereal mention. Figuring the years of efforts to sculpture today’s story. For tonight, sorry for the cantering return of the all too familiar, a ceded path to perhaps a great mind and quiet dignity, mimic by a stunned assassination of ideas so lagging and artful to the gloss magazine. Shutting and shrinking, the fathomed truth going under, glimpses of the names as the natives look on, a part of eternity the conquerors misplaced. All of their sky small and wearying, well worth smile despite. One loss, doors slam, scolded down the doorway to jeopardy. There was silence, the famine of the jokes. Who keeps kale solely for looking?


Ciphered Messages of the Inundated Qwerty 2

13.    2/1
Smoking skeleton like a disease summer of mossy mismanagement, miss not seeing clear. Doses of small work fill up the real contents, search for truth dislocated. Mock the jokes that keep on crashing, disowned in memory of the demised wit. What is it that spells suspicions, masks pesticides and kills the chief with the mimosas? To make absolutely sure the wild life refuge no one trespass. Wish I could call apostrophe the skid marks on cake doodled paper. Really want some peace in the kilowatts of losing my mind, would sodium lack be therefore a bespoke solution. Mothers who hurt so to free the nightmares of dangers high and liberal to estranged children. Together we can hereby fog scramble with the finest hour of the higher feel. According to the group of hefty pyramids, find the oddball donning jersey of metal army vest of obscure deeds, tending to home, with selfless love and a woodchuck for a guard. The wolves from the same time as apes and llamas sleep and prowl while nymphs get to fall in love again and again. Lockdown after last laugh quite the contrary, but aplenty the loose capsules in the ocean and elsewhere slick and keeled, owed to the game of Leonardo doomsday plan. The doppelgänger locked up, now don’t worry. What is less so for the lepidopterists, their leader dropped dead, stone cold and cement wet, moths haunt the o’clock in the past.  
14.    2/2
Reason can collapse like kleptomaniac alphabets jumbling words into diametric opposites, sure to check out and follow. Lost in drawls karma slaps me till cycle is reversed. Wools to the anoxic cold lost in illusions of sunny paradise. Please fix. A little more time for serving the apple pie in loops. Cleopatra so owed to keep the knocked down ideology, find the odds in the lawless names of the last followers. Hope knew the conscience keeps pieces of my favourite ever, including the likeness to the crown of lovely. Leaflets with food lowdown of popular culture. Obnoxious ninny straight and seldom see to look.
15.    2/3
Hedonism knows no monk when life must make decisions for swathes of options. Gun control making past the ghost town and the gutted fraying burnt jagged absentees plunge into flames that flew. The subject just listened, jaws dropped when horns of victory blasted over and yonder to wash the next ugly web of isms. Awkward nods and astute postures woken by the irascible axe, lax to vote in favour of a good bargain. Really gods are skiving and special forces on the black market, sewerage on the floor of the room. Tumult everywhere hitherto the same and wrong, bringing the ten baddest lingering concerns. Dodecahedron flew by, offering such pieces of endearment to goodbyes, and to bring juvenile flowers from the fold of gorgeous spring, sprinkles on the elf and the legendary Spock. Take imperfections from my joyful finally bright beaming firefly, shining against better stigma, reborn an egg and brimming over with Greek yogurt. Off to and glad to be elsewhere, the fox says bring on the bus.
16.    2/4
At last, got to wriggle off the knight suit, schooled in the pugilistic order of gangsters seriously taken. Not some scratch proof savoury wanton indulging pursuit. To abide in no right or wrong, vegetables served in halves on shared seats, riding on the ostrich at times jump puddles, dwell in the respect of each living and non living other. They come from afar bringing esteem to the jabbed and jested, lifting the bunting and spirits to usher the trodden and usurped, crashing the ostentatious party, also said to defy pagan beliefs of the kinglets. Abundant vessel bring fivefold actually more, obfuscating abject oars of the steering committee.
17.    2/5
Anxious fungus makes the stomach hurts, edit the waver or change the whole chapter, debate started overcharged and heatedly denied and then hugged. Hyphens are useless to break up the continuous, gregarious fever. Vexed by the differences or everyone else is blind, shall we just celebrate the place of every such fabulous little thing. Entwined infractions of intractable nuances obligates timely yielding. Opinions weak and muzzled, overwhelming cell division like a jiggly flu that had me floored, oblivious to the observance of important dates and updates. Flickering light and shadows hiding faces and wavering the truths. Witness gubernatorial peccadilloes holding candles, just to ignore the pests with birthrights, pleased at the sight of brighter note on the future, getting ready to pacify gibberish, this term and more.
18.    2/6
The parsimonious close down all dollars apiece, as deal lapses into haggling for everything smaller than fractions. Polished to keep in due, those machines that do so especially enjoy it. Your list of lessons, probably not riot code of worldly things that are not worth mowing down. Always, obsolete and in the doldrums, laws which sold, drowning the last kiss, don’t skip domestic aftermath that dooms the apeman. Handcuffed to the panda, is to eat breakfast with special guest. Laid back leaders appreciate the sound of machines pouring out workflow rules. Alluding to the very best the ostensibly social and workers of few words. Let’s keep kernels of wisdom owing to the cause. A method of sleep looping would continue mathematical rendition of the intangible, like strip of mobius exploring both worlds in a continuous dream.
19.    2/7
Owls lofty of last season with lily of the sky, falls slowly towards Venetian palace. A fringe of sardines just made astray large dongs, but I’ll argue that awesome move is to shift the opulent lethargy of sounding gongs. I fear the ludicrous divided solos, words in delicious doses wooed me to the hungry hundreds. Hiding anything lopsided but clear from an earth on the brink, lassoed to the outside phenomenon to just let killjoy be a philosophy kept in galleries. So be sorry which means nothing to say could be better. Get off the mushy arguing like the late for lunch serenade. Juggling the aggressive move, knife in my mind playing tricks on the guts, hegemony needs the awestruck follower but a trouble free version is seldom.
20.    2/8
Comic masks like a massive headache, comedy dashing and crashing every integral value, every piety floored, every thankfulness joked away. A rampage to slake their angst on the edge, conducted so brilliantly, a graveyard for better heydays. The awaited revelation of slow hopping genes perched atop previous discoveries, obliterating volumes of mountaineering feats of ancestries, only to vibrate shrilly, thrilled at its buoyancy. A scaffolding to assemble the ordnance, the stuff of black markets and thick smoke. A sea of etiquette casually surfacing obstacles to the other subjugated inferiority. Rhetorical working group debating debts and suggestions, worthless savings drowned in the everyday dejections in the making of the album of life. Feels like lost octaves are gone for good, lugubriously baaing and cooing to the demise of structural music.
21.    2/9
Peaceful warriors of elf regime lead the forget revolvers campaign. Cavils for a lady who crashed the deals too old, heir to a new phone, streaming music from her wifi kites. I spot in the democratic row, a voter inured to bites vowed aloud, very well be the few remaining rivals. The stoned and atoned along the watery shrine dredging up historical trash. Can you fix the kingdom here for the legend of humble beginnings now gone to bed, so trust in the morning that finds last night’s dinginess scuffled but tamed. Myself a path of shrugging and average return, might one day bolster for a midnight older than aged fish oil.
22.    2/10
Under the cider mill, maples overgrown, pool of minnows grow in sizes varied. Ochre amber pangolin with pyramidal scales swelling with enzymes, got its colour from turmeric. Winged berries are scarce medicine, wolves and bears pledging to never have need for them. The docklands a palette of fabled scenery, in the evenings sauntering along the sidewalk of forgotten parts of the day. So sleep well now and here, if I knew of the hibernating bug that ignored the odds and thrashed bipolar day and night like a sodden lunch. A hagiography for the quiet saint, whose deeds of conscientiousness acts louder than billion babies cries. Knights effort to ensure their region of omnibus battlegrounds and crew worked in the cofferdam, all written in injuries and fewer numbers. Still mops the leprechaun urging everyone else to eyes open and sniff it out, later celebrate by noshing sacks of mimosas and edamame. Scammers imitating karma are actually claiming the said griefs of the daimyo family, misinformed parochial group therapy.
23.    2/11
Follow the wildcats, the colour of olives, in and around hinterlands emerged from surreal moonscape. Duck down lie low to share the unusual plight of hyperbolic misdemeanours which have not slept since fugitive days. The reigning supreme one telling, gimme inspiring things especially from those evoked from demigod charm, a soloist germinate the viscous flowing effervescence, mighty over the verminous. Mildly close the chapters considered now solved, wow, finally getting outside for a change, a houseful of writhing grudges and sighing habits at last passed over from the dusty past. The threat no longer menacing, the bullies no more potent. How this conjecture that isn’t even in the anecdote will one day reveal lies of history. Skewed truths and unforced rumours proliferate and dwindled from evil wolfed down in quick overtime. Prudence rooting for fiscal times like this discussion so tight and controlled, something to ire if overvalued. The hand of the system, flipping through stacked profiles, reviewing whether misfits are pseudonyms for nurturing differential. Disenchanted ideas in a coma, bubble-wrapped forever.
24.    2/12
Landscapes like calligraphy roll smoothly over us two, laughter and seasons overflow softly. Lying in the misty morning light, daffodils arose and unfurl, doleful ring of sweethearts. Love blossoms amidst the far winds and fragrance of pomegranates hanging on osiers.

Ciphered Messages of the Inundated Qwerty 3

25.    3/1
Few improvements fearing, few reasons, few days left fetching nervous signs, few scrounging opportunities. Scores the mercy and scrimps on severe regret. Anyone reckon any advice for migraine woes now moving past midday. Fighting high as gods in sky know setbacks aren’t livestock losses, but scores gone to bed danging their rights due to a muggy day. Prolonged behind the scenes drama added like condiments to wrecking scenarios, damning opinions and indefinite agendas, infected the clouded weak mind. A new chance let loose slipped away, full of timid, quite the apology of wallpaper. Rainmaker riddled the sky and the few rainy days prior deal mired. Descending clodhoppers, worrisome and adorable, laced the scenic route dotted with human dins causing cosmic delays. Oftentimes life is fun, various elderly wryly offers a growl and sometimes wise advice. Cloud of big words descending like frenetic gregarious opinions of the high feel type, frippery wooing intellect of the mass, gilded manifesto audaciously exhorting the cacophony of the flock and winning big at the trumpet and red carpet parade. Global warming leaflets used like follies with a cause. Now just all wondering where the great elf lay asleeping.  
26.    3/2
Writing from the heart an entire life, as one wrote one fell, like abandoned outposts, wow ok grim moth. Doses of courage could very likely be saving my lowdown. Reside in nothing good or bad but some are just so glaringly problematic. Decked in part by smidgen of accordance, a serendipitous hour of jubilant alright. On my way! The vampire medievalists ask of the dairyman a quintet of kind advice. How is this dude of a duke who walks the talk even as ideas dimmer. Poets reading aloud, piercing anguish soothed in the round of the domes. The lapidary gifted me with a gem of isomerism in lieu of the daily feeling of blue, skeptical that memory can pour out the soul a piece of me. Still somehow soldiered on, without wildness for a foothold.
27.    3/3
Stay away from the ungracious mob of nitpickers, convert and suffocate entire world to great lengths, tend to erase subtle relationships through meticulous counting of obeys. Bears go to sleep with hands on their feet, pigeons go to die after feeding on the boredom of my job. Excuses pave the way for the deluge of lousy performances, perfect to condemn, exhausted by labyrinthine organisations and benumbed ostensibly. Mediocre deals left the game characterised by steep elevations. Previously rejected efforts scored a touchdown today. Flatly denied, overused overlooked by even locals, somehow gods do offer days of redemption. Sad shillings victims of a vanishing act. Another declined ably blessed fable. Untangling complicit inclinations towards the unthinkable greed, coded red and flagged to identify the lows and downs of life, the fallen ones in the slurry of life’s lessons. Out of nowhere parvovirus spawn, maybe from possibly something slightly wounded. A feverish fool did warn us, but we chose to believe that the middle spoke of the silver fork is resistant to the most toxic disinfectants. Could it be the frogs puddling in creosol jump from one to another, dripping. Bridges burning, officials scurrying to bury the hubbub. So hike low the gentler you can go, so go, unto you, strikingly to reassure.
28.    3/4
Repercussive clash of recent blown out events, obese egos surge, heightening the hunt of dear nightingales, all gone awry. Eventually a messy rebound everything’s lighter now. Hordes of hoodlums geographically dispersed, at the earth’s bedtime with surprising svelte disrespect, hunting again abetting sea beasts. Even the ogre will loathe their maladroit treatment whether of loot or lifeforms. At the seventh crowing, the vagrant faerie sighs, drumming and scattering pyrethrums across the dancing winds, scented smoke thumbscrew from the underbelly of the mistreated earth. But for the humectant that saved us all, well soaked to our bones the osmotic hopes and fears of the original revolution.
29.    3/5
Kleptomaniac thief owed his deeds to the coveted pageants of materialistic things. The refugees ashamed to befriend the subversive girl with nothing and no parents, reborn to bring their cause to ease. Time stilled and philosophies hanged to gather the disbursed members of the subfamily. The entropy revealed sponge like behaviour unlike its predecessors. Oligarchs birdshot and utterly thrashed the rebels, success verges on quickly decided ill differences, judgeships ghosting over imperfections turning out bad. Looking forward to recover deleted privileges in the book of second chance. The untested fabulous offering unhinged the door to the guarded room, a minute of looking within, the urns of freedom, along with the coveted stock of fermium. Medflies stank of faded Mediterranean weather, jumped on the outer edge to feel the repentant heat. A while ago, a frosty jaunt in Hungary, strumming a lyrical life, eating fancy, a taste of oxygenated margarita, dining on orecchiette to the dance of dithyrambs, adorned in snakeskin and matted hair, starry eyed like a honeymoon.
30.    3/6
I am still waiting in the vestibule, neither coming or going, nervously practising the songs of idealism before the lionised halls, quixotic utterance in the utmost respect tone. In the end to begrudgingly earn the badge of staying power. My mind skeletonised, losing its will to form, everything appears in a beeline, at best casting stringy diluted shadows. Posing for a chance to initiate the healing, to reduce the piling regrets. The suspects of dysfunction skulking, to nail me once again. The hand of the ghostwriter gripping tenaciously to the game points of the story. Reflecting in the pool a mass of trafficked lookalikes, perchance they resemble me.
31.    3/7
Aegis of trioxide sustains the island of dinosaurs, a jungle of swaddling foliage has become a malodorous oasis of burnt sand. With djembe on back and a gingham blanket, skywalk in the veiny woodsy jungle, never mind the wrathful gerbil half eating the spuds with a tantrum and fangs. Sleigh past the skyline of snow dunes, do the jazzy skate across the lake of mirrors, trudging through the hills moulded by pelted icebergs. Cold is the night, dead wildlife left their furs, saving the day.
32.    3/8
The obsidian reminiscent of the ancient city, sleek and modern, fort of resilience, emblazoned with heroes and heroines. Made to the cryptic formation of geometrically infinite kaleidoscope skilfully encrypted, keeps in the overlapping fragments the formidable potions and palest skins of lambs. Chantings evoked by the melodeon suspended on the chords of iridescent musicality, even expired Jedi magic, melodic always, pervades. Gloomy skies are duly over, everyone with edified quests denies kept secrets and melodrama. Quiet confidence hilariously attempts a funky dream, confabulation so forgotten by mirth and truffles of the purest. Dwellers shedding dreadful entanglement, surmised by the upending revolution, anticipating the hour’s best return, raising arms to the highest noon,
off to a faeries festival!
33.    3/9
Cursive inter sounding native language begs not to be tamed. Dharma executed that brushstroke of life by the finest hedgehog hair. But faring I, grudged the life teachings from phenomenology to legend. Question on my mind never been allowed meddling with my middle emotions, an ossuary for my unsure and undecided competence. I sell to myself prisms said to expose a clean slate to quell my jittery affliction. Great comfort from small kindly apsaras, laugh lushly feathered to softness dissolving in sleep as crossfading intoxicating reverie, night of melted forms in congealing space. Of marshmallow afternoons with rolls and mudslides, in the odeon humming with the echoes of epic scores, a banquet of pecorino!
34.    3/10
The grand contract audacious and strangling, abusing all signs, proudly verifying the overkill. With a scimitar, I cut the chords of affinities, guided by the numbers in the albedo, skimmed the cement off my page to continue the unending story. Escaping the labyrinth of melodramatic regress to a higher orbit. From tiny gyrations to infinite Fibonacci swirls, appearing overnight like graffiti, crossing dimensions loosening space and time. Much is unknown of the starship’s dangerous getaway amidst the ordnance theft. Deftness of the acclaimed spies and adherence to the map of strategic reference averted a lethal day. Sponsored fighters, debugging spooks, never fazed by the town sheriff, a harbinger of dazedly kalsomine system, in a kampung dorkier than a Chinese junk. Using naked kisses, benevolent spells and binding tricks, and grandma cooking to rally the kidnapped and disowned. The null slayers together with the happy growlers saved the first stolen dot of focus and liberation. Expose the dishonest lawmakers to salvage mishandled trust. Everyday is something lawless in this territory with weekend motorists.
35.    3/11
The wounds of disorder not easy to be lessons for political order. The crowd feigning mixed opinions, the high places noticed, dumbfounded by widespread workday complaining. Pathetic leftovers fuss about done things. Differently the doings of thugs of seeming politeness, feuding faster than half brothers. As regents of hope, we query the fruits left to rot and the years lost, before tentative hooks us to false truths so abruptly. Lifelong working skeptical of keeping sane with same class, same dribble, same grumble, same, sameness seldom feels pretty. Kicked off the field of dreams, lost times in odoriferous woods, squirts the ink that sketches difficult childhood, dwindling care of less, for less returns, not a hoot about coming home to rest. Did you not see the sorry for the mum and her kicked in habits, ideas of offsprings of spunk, beaming heroes someday, instead bemoaning the ode to living. Cowed and dogged by everyone who eerily knelt before questionable ideology, and habitually fake the conversations.
36.    3/12
Absolutely amazing the yakuza fight, the advance chief of kick, in the air floating like a dirigible.


Ciphered Messages of the Inundated Qwerty 4

37.    4/1
Skipping the malls does not allay the fear of marketing ploys. Find instead a selection of measures once abandoned by seers laden with pivotal foretelling, madden and eccentric to the extent merging with kraken scrolls of the ancient green lands. A potion of meteor remnants, stalactites and kale, dowelled together. With real quickness, scissor off the mackerel sides and add the activating agent. A mixture of mefloquine, ogres telegram, levodopa, lava, safflowers, quinoa, sorghum, prepared by a bittersweet laggard, laid whimsically in a giant zoetrope, revolving for a specific time on a lakefront during an eruption in the valley of the dobsonfly.

38.    4/2
The neighbourhood magazine elicited on a dominating mafia, the burgeoning group lapping up anything attractively unruly, lacking valproate and a van. Looks like a vapid and malevolent lot. They had a theory of how much ice cold can warm oneself and stressed that nitrosamines can greatly reduce the erythrocytes. Numbers meteoric grew, the way of the gangster pledged every new kid on the phone. Before you swerve to avoid anything gut wrenching, regard novel days of abjection without anxiety, will inevitably surface our innermost selves. To submit to long biting winters bitter cold, to never have slept soundly, eroded to the bones. The move to the motherland of tornadoes followed with an obsession of erecting flags in the meadows as storm signals.

39.    4/3
Glossaries of the future include an orthogonal lagoon to counter acidification of royal waters, will likely surface fledgling decree holding no weight. Lofty plans to trim down surplus of fermented ale lost in wetter months. The best agreed age of wines, lost in fervent assumptions and evasiveness to acknowledge the specks of spodosols. The engine that misfired because of the blast caused by furfuraldehyde on the airfoil. All these occurrences made quite a kerfuffle in the days to come. Preformed by the overflowing cosmic dust, aptly and largely due to eons of collision, a crunched asteriod with stegosaurus secluded and afloat, circumspect the lag time between historical and geographic zones. Found the ostracon amongst the salsify, protected by camouflaged leafhoppers, dragons that fly and the hoppers of the grass. A rhetorically gifted pterodactyl hints and denies a significant number of unabashed negligence, more like a pompous disregard. The sight of ebullient kissing pebbles! A forsterite to guide the gargantuan dream.
40.    4/4
Success of unsung spies don’t risk pairings but take advantage of the forked. Relatively speaking, the dog sized beetle that overturned the skiff and skidded at tremendous speed gaining only small distances. Caught the truth between my skin and hair, seeing at the same time the eye of the storm and the middle of the forest, the chilling effect of subsonic hums of parallels meeting.
41.    4/5
Aflame the portrait of happiness, serval to wrong self loathing, palisades of fake affluence flicked over, flinty dagger skills exposed as self mutilation. Wrong times to scold the lackadaisical, prospects of fevered hell revving up kindly acts, relieving servants of a dull salvation. Wide eyed wonder engulfs owner of ideology. Activists releasing profanities on the decommissioned obelisk, oafish ones flicking the flyspeck and no one dare to judge. The career minded scarpered in all directions, too loaded with ambition. The high arms of hedonism wrenching the workhorse. Morons at large since their untrained skirl so deafening and defeating the enemy, spotted in the crossing station. The kid who loves flowers led lost sheep to jump over the last awful meltdown. A spiritual connection rebooted the robot, mission ergonomic and morose, now beeps of everlasting love. The loss of material desire the researchers linked to parotid malfunction, causes the alveolar to rotate and curl, to touch the loft and floor, to dream at once of subterranean mysteries and fluffy clouds.
42.    4/6
Stiff skeletons and strict directories of a stuffy upbringing, a kind of disembodied existence admit that none else preoccupied the taciturn than to own the storied lives. Prevalent survivors forbidden to the fruits of expertly planned demarcation, unduly trampled by dastardly character of the stronghold. Now you see that solid foundation still breeds division. Unattached to reason, impending initial reaction splitting asunder vessels of delusion, thoughts screaming across urgent frequencies, the lampshade scarcely porous. Phthalate to bend my plastic will as relentleesly I shovel away at the sedimentary layers, a soft bed in disguise, when sinking is as much a comforting feeling. A portentous oan, a ball and chain. Beware of the grand scheme, bearing the weight of the system, of kyphosis and other symptoms.
43.    4/7
Transcendence of a seismic kind, to see solstices as days of deliverance. The coming of the second one, the only one who can rebound from the fate of the first. Another eternity written in purity, the galactic ring binding the promise. The idiomatic depot a place of regaining composure and strength. Sages I think who weren’t ousted by the now felled mandate lived here once. These flooded caves with equal darkness and light. Nights of the full moon, the mutagenic gnomes came to crash, with their instruments of rhododendrons that tumbled and jumbled pervasive pangs. Disrupting delightfully the silence of the sanctuary. Come back to the warriors they need a leader, the baby ones saved from days of caged and fed, eager to feel the mighty wings of eagles. Have you been coerced to sell out your ancestors whose myths they mock as problems pregnant with superstitions. Portending mixed times ahead, the highness of the earthen tribe with the spheroid sagebrush meditates ceaselessly. Valerians blooming around the time of the looming revelations.
44.    4/8
Sank with the vessel of lead, granted a fisheye view of the overly optimistic ambition, not for the jailed vision or judging midbrain. The benthic community at the very bottom taught us aplenty. The startling unfolding befell on bonfire circle while stoked playing the genuinely simple phenomenal game of destiny, the rhyming euphonies of life’s enchanting versions strung together by tunes of the lyres, wading in the perfumes of paschal passengers of mystery. I, gesturing to the herringbone, not really trusting the wishing well, with freezing sweat. Midnight when space asks and keeps lapses of obligations of alleged hidden realities. Seemingly too good to be real, a pinch of past injustices a reminder. Know how unjust the day like a jury can be.
45.    4/9
Homework vibrating to beach vibes, school tomorrow is still mutual asking and taking. Affixing the disturbing image of dishy wash of debris reminds constantly of debt to kings and domestic demands. Courage the best fanfare to salute openness and I, still upset about them aggrandising the planning of our lives. Perfection-obsession born to a finicky self esteem, a considerable tonnage for a short burst of life. Casket for lost chances so wildly stoic in the sodium light did cost a slope. Prisoners of masks and statuettes, proudly sponsored. Money looks good happiness doing fine, feeling the buzz, like kazoos require of original content. On my way! To days of eminent perhaps.
46.    4/10
Patience slaps me in the face, being ill for longer than. Slow and waiting, grounded for a better way to become. Writing fever keeps me occupied. Pretending that nothing worth a asking, when discussions form a lake of churning in my head. More doors open, too many keys, recent memos flapping on the wall, not reading this, downloads overdue, past few working stints killed drive. Looks like a good cathartic laugh is a likelihood. When one day truth speaks effortlessly, knapsack filled with selected items, for days leading to starting off, to fall away from the designated plans. Synchronicities see new astound meaning, the internal collapse seen as an interlude to forsaking everything in this world.
47.    4/11
Gusting winds of scandals, arsenal of verbal weapons, the marble tomb of character massacre. Throwing open windows to endless memos. Pretending to disown the conspiracy that sowed the seeds of the purported disharmony. Having an ambivalent day, or are misguided amidst misgivings and offhand remarks premeditated. Daring ambition never owned by hovering opportunities while the acerbic astray never feels sour nor sorry. Disingenuous crazy practice, yet sloppy to seldom keep on an apology, absentmindedly digging the same mammoth wound. Same and differences between paper and cardboard explained to the ninth, a cycle of underhanded violence slowly creeping in, would lower intolerance quotient. The airy scumbag merging turbulence with fun, never missing the prowl like a piranha swooping scurrying shoals of sardines. Nervous scenes don’t weep the room into a frenzy, reduced to the decalcomania of my thoughts onto surrounding things. Good deeds descend into the cenotaph. Alarming revenge reminds us how alert the adversary can constantly be, pushing the limits of replacing our strength. The descending darkness disappears into plumes of emotions, lost in the way of devotion.
48.    4/12
Landlords and dodgers close to cockfighting, each with their unweary outpour of florid complaints over shunning collection of debts never owed. Like peacocks proud with ownership strut pass masses of pelicans, everything they do very differently, worlds apart. The larger cover muffled the crickets even as offline friends divide the past and the indifference. The village fire already burned endless wedlocks, captured lessons that led the selfless to be unfairly deposed. Each their own appropriate aplomb, the codependent antagonism becoming creepy. Dilapidated worksites of questionable foundation, disclose walls of disintegrating cells willed to hold together like kerosene soaked sackcloths that keep pirates away. Even the viscount has made the journey afar with the wolves.

Ciphered Messages of the Inundated Qwerty 5


49.    5/1
A coiffured feel with ocarinas prodigy, awesomeness seldom really come in this outfit. Focused listening dwells the moment and dispels doubts of work and life’s other skewered episodes. Like a male bird that knows his cockscomb and crocodile peddling its skin so toned, so sure of own peculiarity. To witness in the details the meaning of the whole. The end is slightly suspect to contain a wipeout of questions asked too late, for while counting their kopeck, also took eons to consider.

50.    5/2
Writhing silkworms sinking in thick molasses lapsing into slower struggle. Seals derive pleasure waving flippers like hands that do not clap. Quirky koalas love jealous friendships that border on obsession. Jellyfish swollen with plastic warning not to slice the thin gelatinous bubble. Lurking apocalypse releasing raining torrent of soapstone and worm glows. Kilograms of socked salad spinning dry. Spoons of misleading pictures fed to get the perfect sky. Hugging quashed running on empty, small hope much needed. Apostrophise some and leave some alone, unstrung and free.

51.    5/3
I strived to restore the fragments, funk spun fumble recovery throughout decades and avenues of a savvy scam. A dawdling self esteem, follower to friends’ motto, like such important measures, but in fact under it all surmised a flimsy, diced, faked and judged decision. A feeling of being accepted, safe and also gullible in my radome. Endless paths daily offering a life arose to esoteric idioms, imagine guessing all the meanings. Honest words like a flower on the tomb of lovers misunderstanding, hiding and hurting. A palatable ascent certainly, gradually diminishing the overplay of a dismissive but whelming misfortune, zombies seem like softies, offsetting the damning situation. Drumming fire and madcap derogation seek the gimp in me. Guilty and striving towards orthodox ways, sighing. Rejiggered. Freeing seriously all the gaudiest, the hesitant, uncaring, very afraid, crashes, arguing, eating junk. Resolve to instead love till the best ending. A flawless travel program of medicinal moss, a sweet smelling fennel, a cuddly fun sloth with sack of mescaline, gloves stained with ink, sediments of a mastodon, an elderflower rosary for the trek through the fjords.
52.    5/4
Did enjoy working with so small intervals, patch up of very different words, skating around hidden meanings, the ending alarmingly mocks those who lack love. Until much time, slapping together sloppy sentences kidding around, oceans of spelling errors. Plain skill slumped, creativity clammed shut, approaching the mediocre slope, alluding to own special codes, dashes used round the clock, everyone suddenly flogging slangs, nervous but feigning comfortable many times. Hubris swishes about until dangerous and dead from frenzy. A segment of the year is put aside for newfound dialogue, lengthy display dislike of lapses and scraps prefer some snugness, not just a fad used to give some stories a new magnitude. To hunt down insensitive merging through inertia of rhymes, urged to whisk together textual devices. Once in a while, in the essential hours, the obscure stands out to deliver succinct aphorisms.
53.    5/5
Disillusioned by jeopardised help promised long ago sure and swearing to oath. Sliding down Psalms, solace on the run, along drains of slushy disgusting winsome misgivings. Sleek talking bosses smirking at obvious risk. Thanking the sessions of mockery, a wish so suspicious shows true emotions hunted and whisked me down. Instead fled the losers team, coercion don’t have me yet. So pretend the coelenterates floating free with lethal tool hard to perceive. Storms wash the dirt and soak up the filth, wish could cleanse evil too. Flopped carelessly into the heap, a viciously cycle of a nevermind move. Or locked in sleepless syndrome of herd mooing obeying even disloyal. Bless the dowdy existing ones, laughing hysterically, welcome elves back into their home, adopting a dorsal view to the blinding plight. Experts say keep the clown that offers the goddess of drought to stop the abundance of new forages to appease soldering iron ore mentality, something doesn’t quite gel. Lopsided oedema clasped to a borough allocated to a clogged drain.
54.    5/6
A mission to ossify idolatrous spooks is not worth any salt, efforts too colossal, a multilayered execution moving like a white elephant, someday will be stashed in the silos of outdated ideas. Something wrongly perceived nevertheless inflicted to the highest degree. Debunking the gemologist who faked the job and stones were cast to determine harsh criticism. Drosophila trammel condors. A lesson of strength and conditioned disorder to sleight cooperation between an exemplary fraud and a pesky droid. One of many science and technology fiction tales of ingenuity. Code within opiated jokes, by acting dumb like alpine smoke on the slushy snow, no one saw any danger. The cult of the isosceles stretching far, owe it to equality to limits of ideology, a well meaning three sided hierarchy. A twofold tall triangle structure, piercing through the arch of the sky, once disappointed will disown the strayed. Strategies like soap operas with tragic twists, embracing and brawling, a bemused act. Calls any revolt a collective bargaining. The same occasion when forlorn floodwaters drowning flowers meant to comfort them and it did.
55.    5/7
Ardent fans floored by violence, reckless efforts to rethink drills a jeered remedy, lost to the pretence of effluent segments, desperation fell with open door to mediation just to please and fence off revengeful friends. Temporary restraining the stimulating battle, administration made daft review to admit stressed out errors. Fairly reworded to never remind of the forking opinions, best signed respectively. Coexistence better yet be a necessary reasoning. Great story telling rekindled mere rigour of fiercely tight group, equipped for the purpose to revoke knockouts, a risk to jurisdiction. Add to the move, moreover reiterated, the reform made to reek of regret, aches of troublemaking of the malcontents, stigmas so cutting to the renegades, even commonplace ethics melt and skidded. A conflicting advice to advocate adoption of didactic framing of central advantage of regional commentary. The insolent strike ignore the inequality to the divergent and average.  
56.    5/8
In tales old like dragons lair, a golden duke, a role model in kickoff discussions, ideas sold by the loads in the minutes. Probably eat fish from the sea of affinity. Everyday flopping out of bed, slipped past the floodlights, flying with elaborate skirt catching the wind, bumping elegantly into kaleidoscopic fog. Please fly the paper banner that downplayed the special winless slapdash bohemian election, forsaken gentle mob of doodling fellas, dwellers of no abode, seekers of nature wisdom. So party on pseudoscience. Miss seeing summer in idiosyncrasies, forkful of diced asparagus, braided fudge brownie on a rotisserie, striated ice cream made to resemble vandalism. Reverberating in sunstroke days, myself sinking like quicksand in the gnashing heat, degrees off the feverish. Definitely liberating energy good for all, selfish groomers ignored, egos milder, triple feelings for someone special, and even greater efforts to listen to the uniformed goths from threatened to overjoyed. My irascible mumblings can at last be understood.
57.    5/9
Slowly but surely jelly jokes and mushy discussions did give away the impression of the strong minded. Help immediately available when swanky and quick to declare I would pay by doing disposable work. Wrong nylon net for your hidden agendas. The post nomadic life and habilitated phase no need for gas station stops to break the monotony of the long road. The hulks of awkward dire mass psychosis, runny erratic moods, big bass hop mirthful to harness not just antidote bugs but gluon mixture of quality ash of philosophical knowledge and foggy jokes to hide the truth. Nothing new to figure out how panicked outburst broke the game plan and jumbled the lashing out at halftime.
58.    5/10
Your buddy has gone alone in the middle of the night, his back swathed in bandages of your broken bond. Between being bad, despite a lifetime of advice, a bigger mistake, long history of exclusive bids of brotherhood, a highbrow connection lessening the burden of the heck of behind the back giggles and jealousy, a huge hickory goof for a heart that desires no forgiveness. Nobody can high five the years and love lost.
59.    5/11
Magnificent to begin the biggest inside riot, seeing the gendarmerie in weak disguise, hinges on the bankruptcy of hindsight. A plan to hijack the highly visible fake chief, riding in the palanquin, hooked on beans in brine. I have hidden the stashing, just having weighed in their cognitive function, multifarious wants with proliferous zeros. Perhaps chivalry is fighting for bided honour, the handsomely anachronistic reward for the vehemently gnarly ego. This extraneous phishing has gone way over the limits of necessity. Nonchalantly hiding the information in the aquarium of oodles and vogueing shows. The sly nemesis tempting one to go on skating the thin ice of treachery, now confused over the clear road, out cold arguing before the impending victory over wishful list of ideas. The anatomy of greed gave an example of the sellers of days, the weight of gold immobilising their souls. Their piggery abjectly naked but piously debating the meaning of life, this circumlocution was deliberately constructing the obfuscation all along, the tireless structure of ownership and slavery in the current trend. Inescapable in the end debating own panic amidst pathological fear. Brutal love finally dessicated the unchecked tumour.
60.    5/12

We look to the master of spirits, for each and every eidolon of us who lived ever and before, with eidetic memory to rewrite history as it really should be, not of dowsing the best, but present every moment to the fullest being.

Ciphered Messages of the Inundated Qwerty 6

61.    6/1
Please help in poaching that bad guy to become the godsend agent of dangerous missions, biography ripped off from nineteenth century text. Luckily the self undoing maze of biphenyls calms the mind to even juggle the chihuahua on the bike while jabbing at the banks for stealing. The mercenary gang just grabbed the leftovers from the enjoyment, washing down their fits of cough. Hurriedly tugging the magnetic wheel, gagging on the awning pulling the whole tent apart, the company might deny the plugs that jammed the rotation that collapsed the whole grid.
62.    6/2
Big care less retreat to the valley of the mountains, return to the yearnings for tribal teachings. Bridges burned, sacred books on the run, oddly formed pantheon of arising souls pondering on the non-existent judgements, at the cusp of awakening. Had to bring the cave to the light of the nascent hopes of the youngest. Not to be offended by adding more nonchalant joshing as to how to conjugate the first half of jigsaw like information. Corporate floodwaters wash away humanly instincts, join the whole sobbing game of pitifully awkward page of the life story. Drowned in ludicrous incompetence, squeamish to even detach waffling hooks, tearing the skin and the crisp cold sky. Juddering to become the overflowing pudding going on skimmed innuendos.
63.    6/3
Narrowly escaping a meltdown, hope rekindled reopen the room to caring, is a pitiful promise to ease myself by myself, a task nevertheless replaced with shameless letters of advice. Tormented faceless victims of self inflicted suffering, grovelling for acceptance, picking on someone to flee the bullying. An end to this sorry deceit! Forlorn fallen down rookie, hopes for a sophomore revival, tags all the mistakes, met an avuncular leader whose dealings are like an elegant swordplay of flowing giving and taking. Some place some time, some slip-away in a serendipitous moment, gets a dollop of buttercream! The conspiracy to uncage the elephant and restore the emporium of lost artefacts, engineered by one kook and a doofus and his odd laughing disease, with their crooked practice of madly deeply solely responsible for any task.
64.    6/4
Perhaps the perfection of the temporal is the essence of parfait making. Your nifty skills go to waste to a moaning attitude. Be grateful for the bathtub of water that exposes your knee. Embrace nomenclature like ligustrum, gruyere and verbascum. Learning to live is a lifelong trampoline of ups and downs. Woke up so early, sometimes solely for the kids, pillows are snowfields for dreamy early mornings. Suddenly, a glimpse of the mystifying wonders, aphasia rendering us pale and quiet, slated for explaining like leprechaun sightings and how you got the aphids in your hair. The demise of skylarking days, the crispy newness of my existential speculation, my indisputable mawkish ways, a not so mellow past emerged with enthusiasm for orientation to the future. I sought the luminous teachings of evolutionary curiosity and original prose from the grandmaster of philosophical enzymatic theory. An eternity between the moments to behold the many faces of the inexplicable one.  
65.    6/5
The unforgettable victim of the psychological fire, hiding away in the closed cells of the open colosseum, waiting for fate, for the pitiless decision, awful half beings with aghast truths and old ghosts of kidnapped memories. Lick the screen to see the new versions of real money, just in time for poorly weekly wage and war on decency. Juggling the same bundle of problems, piggyback the same borrowed time, tired of not belonging to oneself. No mystery just bad luck lurched into spectacular background display. Someday you’ll be the banjo of famed tunes and lyrebirds will be there to get you high on a string. The vortex of the swirling colours coagulating the volatile pigments and hopefully indigo sensibilities will duely save the rainbow band. The magical deep purple of night comes to the midnight children who hang upon the fading light of the luminescent celestial stream, their subconscious dream.
66.    6/6
The regrettable wrath, melts all iron, seared the soul at the point of no return. Erasing unsolicited memories together with the unforgettable wreck, is a lobotomy of all the denied truths of the past all too painful, loss of ownership of my own place inside my head. Escaping, instead straying towards the delete button. Swollen with empty hopes, woefully adrift paddling fervently to swerve away from the lower reach of death and indecency. Kick me off my own team to flatter myself. Decided on tomorrow’s game, all wrote in a statement issued by the police of destruction. An account of the days of knocking on doors, idled mornings and sluggish afternoons. A mad wish to die to avoid drastic changes, misplaced perceptions and clumsy moves in the duel between desire and development.
67.    6/7
Objects of lullaby for the scared and baby thinkers, losing composure over persistent prickles, keepsakes stolen unknowingly. Wisdom sleeps too early, for now school teaches the same and always, as things done their way. Sometimes middle name used to stay anonymous, like opossums playing dead. Time deliberates too long unnerving interview, scowling. Sensitive and harsh words slam into reality, not new to capsized aspirations and oxidised dreams.
68.    6/8
Winter is meting away together with cold untouched forgettings, left amongst the misty forest of contemplation romanticised and disguised. All other untruths buried under the heavy blanket shivering from the pouring of the ice bucket that was once your loving eyes. Keep the misfortunes in check for an agitated reminder of life less lived, mocking in one breath the sad, isolated and flawed. Somewhat feel bad for the dying poppy fields left out of planning guidelines. Skeptical coworkers drawing from headline news. Corporate ropes fastened to project officials, including food and room with a view. Endorsed by the old strings that hold the weight of the declining reign, the claw of the old dynasty hangs to the skin of revolution. The pugnacious ones probably too quick to identify the giver of life and purveyor of death. While the comedic ones derail the chance to peace with smoke trail messages in the sky. Flower rebels eloquently holding down the chance to chaos, contradicting the million others wishing to erode the confidence of the people. Unexpected audaciously loud turnout, expect extra meddling by the smaller group of fickle rioters.
69.    6/9
A pipeline of plans, despite the unknown disappointments and aches meperidine will probably soothe. Pretty sure this song means better things, ready for enjoying at last, season of islands in the sun. Whence my chance to see my own house on a slope, to wish you would be open to ninjas and turtles of my childhood. A jelly kiss, a spunky peppermint drink and scrumptious desserts to please you. A sooty beginning may well be the proof of real prospects. Breaking the spell of thinking I can benefit from perks. Malpractice and medals sometimes smoked the same pipe. Lazy days of following actually scrambled real deals, scrummaging remains of quality time and quick fix slipping in melt away snow. Scores of back and forth messages swallowed chalkboard lessons to well soon wipe out solemn respect and sincere forgiveness. Scarcity breeds creativity, to be nimble and quick in learning to be lean and meaningful. An aerial view of shelves breeding my large database of homage to dynasties of thrown away stories.
70.    6/10
Soldier on kiddo, one day school will be really over. Overnight loans between banks will test your skills. Never to spend own loss, kamikaze, or lassoed to the owners. Still I am just a worker, meekly keeping my rantings. Perhaps the coming constructed boom will be the last stop with underdog justice closing in. Osmotic and stealthy plans to leave dazed slacking alcohol days. Somebody should really believe in my equidistant telekinesis methodology, made mostly of cork and bits of zinc. Pursuing this can be a nasty bit of a crapshoot, it’s ok I look to space in the outer regions where there might be a better confidante.
71.    6/11
Extreme idolising of more money, mixing up the smoke of global warfare and peacekeeping to keep riches playing. For others the dwelling disillusionment dissolved all else, remember the domestic league of chores and tired hands. Leaping from myself false adulation to goods of market design desired so again to perfection, effectively killing personality which left the stage of mercy, high life felt the helpless addictions incarcerated in the images elucidating themselves and giggling. Especially to ignore family and world themselves to desperation. Riding in gorgeous vehicles for the most glorious of adrenaline anyone ever groped, blocked all roads to discretion. A mallet to flatten this rapacious living! Beyond natural inclinations, pylons of a lacking life fencing up love and kindness, destroyed in the microphone, deaf and ceaselessly shouting slogans of solidarity and allegiance to the rigged emanation. Meanwhile the leftovers felt fostered to the people who have everything.
72.    6/12
Useless like an umbrella in the storm, your lofty plans too neat and sure for the unruly world. Better my jalopy cranking and taking me to real fabled places, passing by ancient mills with modern names, distant music from the alpenhorn, stopping by to hear the grievances of the grunting destitute. The traveller wakes and sleeps dreaming of earth flat as maps. Attaining clothes of lightness cast in strength of iron. Old tidings come visit, happy to bake with me bread with cherries. Yes, back once in a while, long ago yet never far. Still I have failed those strong enough to make it, the intoxicated hero with a fondness for sacrifice. Left a gaping distance, a slow type of hunger never to be full. Crawling back into the training shed, pruning the cauliflowers to clear my thoughts, carving the pumpkins to find my niche. Trusting at last the decomposing process, the wordless teachings of mother universe.

Ciphered Messages of the Inundated Qwerty 7

73.    7/1
Luscious isles capturing never ending splendour of green and golden meadowlands. Conches sound peonies medley ode to the rhombus tower. Above the ridge of golden spurs, smoothly soar the ospreys. Leopards alone roam the peaks. The grace of the oldest ape prevails the affordances between givers and takers in the harmonious jungle. Original species cope with unannounced hybrid. The orbital architecture of the astronomical prism, reflecting in the sacred droplets, the geometry of the purest emotions. The speleologist finds a beautifully strange world in these sublime caves. The coelacanths swim in the odyssey of timelessness.
74.    7/2
A panorama of never same landscapes looking back at me. In the wind some words not heard are carried off to update distant memories. Prospect of new adventures daunting but enough to dissolve the ink on maps, erasing boundaries many think they have crossed. Truck driver jacket found when prowling around the country side. The clown slips on his tongue, no one laughed. Too freaky a coincidence. Cold pizza in a special place with you, nothing less than perfect. A promise whispers softly through the freezing air, thirteen times you said please, keep it real keep trusting don’t worry keeping it up. Goodnight my little guppy, perhaps apostrophe will make you mine.
75.    7/3
The fabricated teachings of the middle path, spent many decades exposing. The reviews run out of range, the stranger type of rules, running out of passcodes, too many battle cries and too many masked players. Locks and chains cannot disprove the cooks kidnapped the sackful of seeds from the fulsome harvest, a reluctant recognition of the wet seasons. The titan is dead from threshold frost bite. The obsolete devices of learning, gradually mocked by kids with their own righteousness worn like costumes to hype the new arising. How good is the weekend, if late assignments and dog walking split down meal times. Sidelined like a wallflower, lifestyle under a diffused light and paled ambition, appeals because of a sudden interest in understated poetry.
76.    7/4
The mess looking deplorable, reason gone astray, pleonasm mapping obvious importance of certain truths. What about the legacy of the prodigious allegiance to logos. Walls isolated the voices within, trapdoors closed formally. The cloaked lama silence beholding, slowly translocating the energy of the incantation soaked door. Say no to the middle road to luxury so obvious a gift to renounce. The mesosphere interlocking the holographic words of the transcendental interlocutors who are the masters of fractured time, a necklace dropped through the frequency splitter of space, exploded in shards of philosophical musings of the theoretical envoys. Flying through time by accelerating clave rhythm. See the downfall through the rarest crystal ball.
77.    7/5
Avalanches are really timed impendings, reminding of the eventuality of piling high and digging deep somewhere. Daphniidae frisked knowing hidden world of subterranean conversations. Too small to divide opinions or to jail any dissidents. Isomers of love shattered by the primal scream that the polemic posits. The inevitable consequences, channelled through ensemble of cause and effect orchestrated randomly by actions changing every millisecond to adjust and correlate. True to the lossless energy cycle. Calculating the odds in percentages of flow, pulsing across the voided centre. Same space but different time, sensing not seeing, make no attempts to mark the event of crossing. Stretching out the possibility of transmutation and the propensity to subconciously understand they are ectothermic.
78.    7/6
Your carefully curated image breeding program of insecurity, misleading the judging fanatic whose juvenile experience got maddening and flabbergasted, themselves yanked from difficult realisation. Victims of peddling and assumptions losing stamina, ambitions derailed, locked out of own palace of dreams. Found safe but haggard adrift with aggravated defects. Hippocampus wedged between ocean trash summons the long breath of the didgeridoo, circumambulating and connecting all antipodes with the vibrations of an original earth, a twitter for repentance and renewal. The diatomaceous earth that cleans you face, is a surreal landscape of unnamed creatures wishing to stay unresolved.
79.    7/7
Downpour of earth and snow washes the keepers of the prismatic shrine. The golden tear summoning the amber smoke. Messages from the smouldering soapstone embody daemon of goodness and trite. Time has come to unify the feuding factions, the encounter with the divergent union feels unsure, urgent actions unturned the segregation, utterly questioning initial reactions of disagreement. Often seen as irrelevant morsel of loose alliance, the one and only illusion capable of colossal renewal. This weekend, the trustable reformer group go back running the truce until raving gently mad and calm altogether and refute it was rebirthing a new identity.
80.    7/8
Safeguarding the debts of my conscience, but spend days awake and mashed up, utter moronic position of waste. Still acute to differentiate between pending considerations of low enough energy types. Or else known to open the door pledged to the service of pivotal working discussions kept secret. The dirtier from the tussle with the running idiot to stop thinking the idol of me, I think I am in need to be iced from heated misunderstanding even debt dealers stay away from. Keep the medieval food to sell, sold to those who know what disorder is and still choose the sophisticated display of class and hierachy. Starting soon with wicked games, which would skip around and wipe dollars off your lifelong work. A cold odd wrong cracking the protagonists down, a dilemma of the skin deep kind that questions even doomsday, lowers something into the abyss. All queries soon solemnly swallowed, lost for all time. The unfettered has gone into the ambrosial night, leaving the sweetest trace.
81.    7/9
The badgering fishermen fight to get free day from the search for seafood waylaid by the farmers. The drought scattered their orientations and levelled their beliefs. Advisory council probably closed tomorrow afraid of the soporific effect of prolonged waiting. Or else scared of whitish owner, so opposed to the cooperation, don’t want to let go of the game. Keeping with my job to cope with another round of surplus flooding the shore. The celebrated display of colloquial overlords trumping the attention. Quick risk needs to keep modest flips and flops of balance between mediocrity and ingenuity. The prolonged lockout soon crashes all dexterity. Hysterical maniacs, dubious onslaught of mocks and smokes, hijacked, dismantled and dissolved theosophical melodies the only hope to save the old songs. Those who made love furrow and despair, be prepared for widespread resonance of the patiently and kindly acts, dismissed offhandedly by an industry dedicated to climbing singleminded ladders. To jump the curse, snake charmers and acid musicians practice in the darkest days lapsing into some episodes of plastic suffocation. Anthropogenic desecration of the pristine free lands, obsessed prestige ownership, as delphiniums fold into the night, asleep forever.
82.    7/10
Let me creeping, as shades of nights, spend my days oscillating across the infinitesimal fractals of the immortal caves, said to manifest the anhydrous crystalline bloom, a dizzying ferment of unearthly beauty, calling upon the riddles of angels. Oceans of lilac reflections, rapturous appearance of haloed suns, of enlightening synapses and blissful synaesthesia. Dossier of the black eclipse orchestra reveals a crowd decompression technique engineered through crooked ecstatic devices of molecular entanglement. Common elements melted down into spadeful of oxide rocks. The oxygen soaps are said to reverse the process by mapping the gyro nutting geography of proton isolation to the last decimal of pi. Even the best of the calm alchemists of both hemispheres were discriminated for their attempts.
83.    7/11
Nimble knights scramble to dismount the admonished wanton hordes, in between the time to celebrate each new grenade disconnected, an escape one more time yet. The destroyed despicable fief lord moved addicts midway between the land of whistles and torrential waterways, then allocated a couple of poker faces to cover up the ambush. The gifted colony will largely be surging with disguised polymaths and schemers rejected, ideas subdued and wrestled to an ironical finish. A scaled jet seamlessly pierced through the air, a devious risk, a death defying version of wind sucked overflowing nonstop skid manoeuvre. Advocates and movers rack up old scores, the shakiness of the skeptical leadership, the manifesto faltering like a disjointed coma, uproar falling into a extended slumber, time and again. Central to remember the ousted schemes. The shovelers clearing tall trees to grow short shrubs in aridity and droppable coldness in chronological sections. The ghosts will lash out, just waiting.  
84.    7/12
The best of unexpected Judas wishes to boldly go, despite the obvious, as defunct spy. Doors pirates fold to hide their love ones, their knowledge of the solstices, they make a tragic opera of changing seasons. Eavesdropping programs deployed to hush the voice of the peaceful minority. Lest we forget to overcome the booming comments from foreign countries, glad to be near a library of a thousand miles of books. The lowlands of pure inspiring thunderstorms, iridescent polyhedral raindrops forming into a sandbar of pearls. This is a land of bestowed miracles, despite the thievery and copping out. The sleepwalkers sell sleep, clothed in shades of the hours of the night. The petty ones take on less, as usual. The genius and giddiness of the eccentric hydrogen explorer, who mastered the atomic aspect of solitude and conquered loneliness for all humanity.

Ciphered Messages of the Inundated Qwerty 8

85.    8/1
Night vision goggles to see maggots pulling on modesty about the missing lizards. Plans to add more intuitive lemmings to the aquarium, intelligence of octopus heavy lidded, laden with someone’s sleep. Compelling evidence of nefarious preoccupation of the impregnable looters of youthful hopes, however three misadventures and they go broke, still bellyful of greed waved the fear by, continue pillaging the untold stories of young impatient naysayers. Brace yourself for the brash imitators who unyieldingly create louder and indefatigable ventures, bagful of fascinating whimsical lies mocking the real, until the hypnotic bottom. Swear to root the deal, drooling ego stirs dissent into something slammed shut. Blue hair species spider, cold and voraciously engulfing the organic subject. Warmth from purely a hug, chirruping lifelong remembrance of a much closer proximity. Still there is the tycoon in his penthouse who shrugged off his days at the friendly barber shop.
86.    8/2    
Frustrating message about the sangria getting bland likewise the poignant saxophone to sporadic applauses. Big shout to gurgle big weary yawn. Hope plummeting, now more than based upon obdurate dwindling endurance. Laughing mad how swanky jokes cajole draconian mood. Morning comes swaggering fresh audacity, swerving with tangential momentum from the last defeat. Your sackful of sadness merely of exams jitters may perhaps be smokescreen for dismissal gloom. Floodlights killed the mysterious flesh coloured falcons. Surreptitious aspects of the modified version, mechanics of fear could cause a little salty sting of discomfort that can bring down the whole system. Dark ramifications of damage to cosmic cycle, an inconvenient omission that will soon take its toll on us.
87.    8/3
Many opposite sides divided along the stairs, not at all linear, not just the up and down, balancing steps or blindly dashing. Decisions and revisions, and ruins of the same and the mediocre. A life sold to sodden worries, clear thoughts and restfulness not in a while, pleaded the salespeople missing their sleeps, depleted of dreaming, drooling at the door of prospects, clinking keys eager to open any docked opportunity, busy coordinating appointments and lies. A sprawling settlement of accounts and deeds underway to sum up favours and debts. The self serving system filed to the last digit of order, deflected a good idea so hard to come by, crashes so expensively the potentialities, led to loads of buried discoveries that could’ve saved the day. Someone should cry out for dawdles and call musings to come back. In these awkward times, the misplaced pinpointed at the grotesque, the obvious told the obtrusive to back off, reckonings fisted at happy faces, imagination yawned while evil slept and orthography spelt our lives into clarity.
88.    8/4
Wake up to your true lifeblood, as suddenly does the clapping walruses known to lumber around the weight to keep their life warm and blood flowing. Claps of instincts, going with gut feeling to keep the slumber away. Some time ago lost in the slug of the common and weary, drugged into convenience of acceptance. The level headed legal system like soft needles of the loblolly, brushing instead of jabbing, slender smooth talk shaping up into regulatory convergence, ignoring our little we care of freedom and justice. Second handed salacious soggy gossip did a darned good parachute drop, right into the centre of trouble already brewing a lake of crude and obscenely open malpractices. Glaring secrets, embarrassing and loud, they thought their overgrown charities could hide. Their somewhat lame task to oversee the obligation of the blamed to take on some responsibilities. Just an obsolete drive to step up internal security from sore throwbacks of their humdrum actions. Not surprised at the shoddy hosting of the meeting attended by those trained in the obstacle school. In the tyrannical days, we stayed lost to hide away, abandoned to the order of each passing day. Stretched helping hands and hooded egos sorely missed.
89.    8/5
The septoria infecting the standard crop with bright spots, letting the light in. Elsewhere, the glibly dragon rebounds, spotting the linchpin, the one who could choose is the chosen one. The upbeat tempo of the new song helps the lobbying lullabies dressed up as bolstering hymns to soothe and edge us hypnotically into the great sleep of consensus. The killjoy party, obsessed with brisk pace of drably sobers, rallying the rigorous troops of orthodox sombre. Chronic mobsters of knowledge surge past eager mobs of quick learners, subordinate them to no questions asked, nitpicking on the punctuations. All the structures of knowledge deboned to make ubiquitous mash. Glad you’re cherishing those denounced goodbyes to words and shortage of lessons of life with the impending resolution gone astray.
90.    8/6
If the sweet spot is located, keep it hidden from the landlords they will spill rumours and split the party. Judging from your difficult glamour days, please don’t fool the wonderful times into a conspiracy of the rich and famous tagline. Idiosyncrasies play the part of the fish humming to the sound of water. As for us we hear in the air we breathe, the hums of machines at the back and front of our lives. Diving into the waters, just so my own sanity slow to slide in endless malfunction of dollars quick to disappear into thin air. Old skins peeled off and sold to the show stealing magician, who could change the past with new clothes. Oddly did not do anything when blue sky fled the city, cloud watching missed days of poetry. Fell back on plastic to patch the anaemic hollow the departed essences left behind.
91.    8/7
When those hard working folks talk, they want proof of achievable heights, it’s either right or wrong, yes or no, those in between left to knock on hijacked self worth. Saturday night drunken brawls mildly amusing, usually know when to speedily clean up. Needing dose of isolation, to breed ideas indoor, owing to a life of sun deprived disorders. Yet another version of dialogue between society and kids, topics are skinny jeans and the importance of formal language. Barely a thread hanging this naming of mere existence. A hagged life after so many years, wound down dream of ownership, haunted possessions, murdered freedom, missed opportunities that a blue moon knocks, speaking out only on conditions of anonymity.
92.    8/8
On the edge of the greenest forest at the tetragonal point between the epsilon gate and iridium door, a century gap ritual for spirits with earth missions. Hard to grasp the meaning behind the hologram of kissing politicians, an alarming interruption, bad omen for the embodied prophetic objects, nevertheless a revelation, of modern life and tribulations. Still there are ironies like the award that soon became boo and add hiccups to one’s career. Having to heave along this legendary monster is the biggest lovable lie, nicknamed cash. So to conjure economic freedom. Sold to the bidders of tyranny. Remember the wisdom of old sayings, those who do not understand deemed them irrelevant words carved in stone, well the mobile version is ghetto talk.
93.    8/9
A dispassionate moment disclosed the weight of your promises, the roundabout of misgivings, your hesitance speaks your change of mind, your ardent vows sold piecemeal for a dime. A parallel misdeed cancels out my assault on your mendacious deed seems unfair, the system is broken by this face value. The laxity random and lame is a shame. Mend the holes and hide into the closet of self learning mostly regarding the inner life. The darkness will let you see the light. The darkness will protect you until the time is right.  
94.    8/10
The opaque information plastic squad by trade of looting nature and plundering spiritual gifts, was miffed that the hysterical patch of ground with pine smell was the source of wellspring of the things to come. This random outrage undermined their efficacious image, exposing the subterfuge of this mugging attitude. What effrontery after the gravy bits of muted monologue of self loathing was leaked.
95.    8/11
Murkiest information contributing to lopsided decisions, ideas so judged by mocked days and isolated thinking, the comfortable setbacks declined the changes, overdose of pesky pals, incessantly chattering, sloppy food, life forgot hued sunsets, strolls along the towpath following the glistening river, dams that didn’t do any good for nature’s behaviour. Dailies unedited, the good and bad taken into account with jackpot randomness. Clean sleek dolls of a glittering skin tone, voice crisp and rhythmic, these androids precise and ethereal. However the gilded city with its enterprises and lawmakers would stop the machines they created to help them, seeing their popularity with the common people. Prodded talks, words half hearted, pale suggestions, a stoic indifference. All the while scheming to tie down the flying faction of new age dawning, late night takeover a despicable victory. The self proclaimed focuses the points indissolubly arrogant and kicked into routine everyday business of the eloquently sprawling cities. Perfect pairings do come by, corrupt leaders and scofflaws, diamonds and ladders, orphans and outstanding individuals, nonchalant debt and flashy gold. Wolffish fluffy sheep fiddle with perception and point of view, short knife in pocket I feel safer, the sprint always gets to slip away. The perpetual, time and again delivers us from the ramifications of a hackneyed existence.
96.    8/12
Far away as deep as woods can go, dwells the immortal Isidro who knows silence like a blindfold. He prepares the ground for offsprings of timeless wisdom to be reborn with rarefied revelations. A pyro ethogram, a portal to navigate the spectrum of knowledge of the surrounding star systems, and the metaphysical lepidolite that heals many a disjointed soul. The fusion of new sensibilities and entrusted memories begins a redeeming journey.

Ciphered Messages of the Inundated Qwerty 9

97.    9/1
The night sky bridge that crosses the closest divide between two different density space. Dissonance not so coincidental, dark thoughts better spent longing in the forlorn palace of passed chances, and on to learn the deep pockets were dope, to be hiding the inundated qwerty. Thus apt to begin the season like foretold episodes, spell the end of blues of waiting. Short of decryption of clues to the ciphered messages, to laugh at the enticing open door or soothe along slow songs to sail forth into torpid seas, of ode to anxious snowflakes, flee the scene in a disheveled sodden package of nervous soap bubbling slowly, closely resembling a psychological earthquake repeating soused claps in a padlocked bell.
98.    9/2
Endure the roosters that kill the dreaming mornings, idyll sleep and awoke in muddy comfort. Tenacity a pathological rage under control. Restless ego still feverish spoke of followers on all cycles, of humming of consistent consumers of plastic and blood, clapping like a sad clown, wooed a dogfight with rigid rules. By contrast, doss of choke full of dry biscuits like college pages of notes arid and devoid. The seller of exotic moods a fishy yet phenomenal job that alters the vicissitudes of life. Sniff out your internal ogres, try mending broken yesterdays. Patience is sweating to unravel your complicated life, to demystify the shrugging tendencies. Sometimes remembering no more count, with efforts huff and puff, left confounded by the box of hidden notes Pandora left out. As doorknobs and ropes untwist something good borne by performing the life enthralled by the naked truth. Well best of luck to all, just as baby helpless in excitement cries for the pissed liberation.
99.    9/3
Worked to a horse strength, no rest needed, even doodles fleeing at my sight. And I, delirious asked myself does typewriter use blood on Leonardo’s writing machines. I am this aching tooth which does not deserve juggling decisions, seems offended asking fever to alert the dire consequences. Pain that disrupts function in a world full of beauty but years of toughness numbs delicate sensibilities bearing the truth, alerting, begging, and an olive branch disguised a warning. The company dominating my time, but flowchart shows healthy progress, left to roll and gather the best of me. My labour the shining pageants, exemplary of strive and succeeding, and the rest is a joke, a consideration of a worst case scenario, and I, in the end gloat the slowing paddle a less tedious way to pay for this. Skipping the early morning routine and I’m just a few days to flogging off the lab coat in the multileveled experiments that really don’t exclude anything else. Anyone can exaggerated the room conditions. Fancy those doldrums would score a melancholic symphony of the symptomatic, and so loads of disappointment and disdained dollars organising the department, or join me doorknobs to be cleaned.
100.    9/4
Sleek slogans the protagonist of this euphoric election. The televised shenanigans worked like paregoric soothing, appalling the history yet to be written. Was fairness gripped by the fungible conspiracy, unaccustomed to fisted jargons and presuppositions of selective views. A dorsal attitude to avoid calamity of emotional fight. Might have ghosts of old revolutions portage lost injustices of all ages, whispers the hoarsely breath of the unearthed. The halls of records tell no secrets no lies yet the key is not to be found. The adage codes the sequence ascribed to slingshot the dreams of the thwarted across spinning moons, eclipsed ideologies becoming the solo flight of the redeeming undoing. Tangent to the epicycles of unintelligible imperialised transactions and sedentary pompous innuendos.
101.    9/5
Mind the elbows of inconsiderations, gnarled for alcoholic beverages supposedly highlight the celebratory scenes. The fulsome boisterous kickoff for the games that did indeed bring on the highs of roaring brutish clashes, bangs and cheers. Chief delegate shrugged, a lot of hope shows some worry follow back behind, coercion not necessarily a fan of ghetto lords. Posed in sniggers, even paid jokes flocked to lifeboats, florid faced at the trumping of the plausible panel of logicians. Is there still life after beating up the wrong man, tormented by the trivial and the unsure. Sometimes phrenology haphazardly used to subdivide, love is in the air just like a imp or a dirigible, ideals diffident and raging, tossing like sleeplessness. Always watching the idiocies closing in, trophies and ashes line steep cliffs, still elude the unassailable peak.
102.    9/6
Your composed coldness an avalanche of raging fury, the slaw of icicles sharp and cutting so wielding pierced all thoughts with wretched unreason, dazedly slapped with pitiless agendas until dizzy I, saw in the dismal landscape of a battered soul, little boats of excuses flowing through thin rivers of warm tears. Delayed by the mangled wreck, and I, still caught in the outskirts of loss, choose haunted overgrown memories over grasses of fresh dew, a bloody river no guts to cross, cleansing flow even I know with smile, but tough times dare not believe it so. Mind lost in wilderness fears the past and shuns the future, doggedly the same work on time tested plans to circumvent any pain. Has been for so long a dwelling somewhat safe and strangely reassuring, secret joy in perpetuating chronic woes. Death and rebirth necessary as a soul deliberates the ego.
103.    9/7
The reorganisation of the wild areas a surprise, an insignificant task with complex manoeuvres. They found new advantages of the view, righteous jury of a foreign language. The wild beasts savaged by the uniforms, wandering lost in the remaining nationalised jungle. The return of the wayward ones allay concerns about art scholarships, over everything analytical and measured. Leaves fluttering in the capricious winds, who knows when intuition grew necessary phobia. The return speaks eons for the worried but nothing for the truth. So they sleep cloistered in the safe quarters, full of hoarded items with excuses to validate, mere fractions to the threshold, the older versions always confuse. Doggedly follow each errand, clasped memoirs afraid to be exposed to the natural breakdown according to evolution and inevitability, denial of the fateful recourse. Lapsed into clods the same knocks even if so sure.
104.    9/8
Dramatic changes loom so close to the known facts, toll keeper numbering all paradoxical wishes, the serious and the whimsical marooned on island of loquacious liaisons. The panjandrum ignored and swallowed by the relentless rondo, retreating to feel important again. Someone allegedly lapping up malapropism but sophisticated meaning is emblazoned on the asynchronous Machiavellian. The myth that is outside of time, is an atemporal longing, leaving traces in conjectures, circumventing the continuum of typified dimensions. There remains the sixteen chapels of the meek angels and lords, hued cubicles of equanimity enclosed from east to west by the riffing of cosmic voices.   
105.    9/9
The prescient stuff of the archaeological arts seeding a new carbon type in the fire and flood from another galactic age. The nebular ones were the unnameable all along, eluding the entire lexicon of iconography and molecular vibrations. The cathedral of interdimensional deities the bearer of a stupendous energy system we just had no idea. The time travelling forensics never finding the whole but fragments of a layered being, particulate and seamless.  
106.    9/10
Deep etchings to faded rememberings haunted through the cyclic nth. Possibilities slowing and gluing and nightfall a welcoming darkness to hear the sounds of liquefied rhythm of images, resting tired eyes fizzing out. Reforge the gnarly as inner strength to please the deified ideogram projected in tears and shadows, a shower of courage, proportions inevitable through the sacred geometry. The tesseract city hidden in the infinite mechanism of the immortal sleeve, an eternal remnant of the past unravelling across the ages to come, as space folds and time collapses. Quintessence dwells in between the texture of quantum light, in atomical synchronicity, resonating the deep well of being. Encapsulated sleep till full blooded dream awakes. Prying open heart of choking art in shunted cargo and abandoned imagination. They of the typhoon nevertheless unsympathetic whirls fishnets at virgin dawn to bend the fabric of the whitish and the recurring. Another Sisyphean obligate matter that probably even star fighters have days like sinking feeling and they drew flip doors, focus on lateral views as oblique escape.
107.    9/11
Waking up tired after an embattled dream, have you seen anything made by nature that is the same? Halfway roofs rest the sparrows, like men of the odyssey going along with the wishes of gods, follow the flagged proof of origami messages unfolding destinies in heterogeneous arrays. Treasure hunters stumped by the the acred nest of archaic spiders, losing clarity of greed and will of seekers. The hidden floor corked and muffled, still tells heaving tales of election dollars that don’t work for disasters of the natural kind. The monstrosity of its intention exceeding the necessary, undue waste of odds and chances undermined the last secret task, revealed in the codec off the official sources, a multivalent work of the rectifying program encompassing all lacks and excesses.
108.    9/12
Fearlessly the verbing device liberating from vice versa mechanism, not a loose opinion, neither of a conscious dithering nor a planned endeavour, nor a fierce battle or mild lashing, not even a desire to be heard, however slight a longing. There arose a tower a hefty emblem of self exile. Nowhere few have expelled dogmatic freedom from hatched life and gagged deeds, looking back at the pile up of sleep deprived flops. Weaponising words, strung out courageously in the heavens a pathway of free expression, rendering the imperfect into colossal elevations of faith, inundated with the worthiness of bewildered sentences, writing their way to flourishing kingdoms and the farthest star.

 Weird Country / Jasmine Tan

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